Hanging out with the Holy Spirit

Hanging Out with the Holy Spirit

Is there anything quite like relishing the presence of the Holy Spirit? How might we be transformed if we intentionally carved out time to get to know Him better?

When I was a seminary student, one of my professors presented the class with a challenge. The course was titled “The Holy Spirit in Luke and Acts.” While we were learning about the work of the Spirit within Luke’s letters, my professor encouraged us to get better acquainted with our Helper simultaneously.

The challenge was to take only one hour a week to spend alone with the Holy Spirit. In that hour, we would focus on listening to Him and allowing Him to guide that time. We could have our Bibles and journals on hand but how we spent the hour would be His decision.

I had no idea how valuable this practice would be. Sometimes, I would pour out my heart through gushing tears, allowing Him to lift my head higher by the end of the hour. Other times, He would illuminate the way for my feet to follow His path. Occasionally, I would fall asleep in His sweet presence and wake up deeply refreshed. Some times felt unproductive but I knew I was still changed within. No matter what occurred in our special hour, my bond with God’s Spirit was deeply established.

I still try to practice this special time, decades later. I often go to a park or lake for an hour. I love to adventure with and celebrate quality time with my beloved Friend.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14).

– Leah Burnett
Christ Fellowship