Answer Yes Or No

Answer Yes or No

God takes a lot of abuse, derision and especially misunderstanding He doesn’t deserve. Many have a very skewed picture of who God is. I sure did. That was on me. I did not know His impeccable character. I saw Him through the prism of my upbringing at home, my church experience and my own difficulties.

He was a “NO!” God, far away, who barely tolerated my existence. (I’ve since apologized to my gracious Heavenly Father). Here are some examples of how many perceive God:

Do You care? NO!
Are you there? NO!
Am I worth it? NO!
Can I have any fun? NO!
Can you forgive this? NO!
Is there still a chance for me? NO! Go Away!

Once you discover the reality of God, His no answers are very different.

Will you leave me? No
Am I worthless? No
Are my chances gone? No
Is my situation impossible? No
Do I make you sick? No
Should I do it my way? No
Will you overlook my sin? No

The ironic thing is that God’s yes answers can be just as revealing of His character.

Is there really only one way to You? Yes
Being a good person isn’t enough, right? Yes
You never change, even with changing morality, right? Yes
The Bible is your inspired word, correct? Yes
I can talk directly to you? Yes

Does it matter what I believe? Yes
Will you discipline me, your wonder child? Yes
Do you hear me and read my heart? Yes
Will consequences follow my actions? Yes
Do you really smile when you hear my name? Yes

The power of His answers lie in His perfect character. He loves us with an everlasting love and will always be our Truth.

~ Vickie Richey
Christ Fellowship member