


Easter weekend is the most sacred on the calendar for those who follow Jesus. Jesus took Golgotha, the darkest most painful place on earth, and made it precious, sacred, and beautiful. He can most certainly do the same with every painful and dark place in our lives. In Him is victory! It sure didn’t look that way when His disciple betrayed Him and another disowned Him. It didn’t feel like victory when He was beaten and suffering. It sure didn’t feel like victory when everything went silent and dark. Still, victory was on the way and even the moments of his suffering were a victory – He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5. We can identify with Jesus in the suffering and in the victory.


Jesus was betrayed. He was an innocent man put on trial. He was judged by men and found to be a criminal. He witnessed the greatest injustice. His character was attacked and those who loved Him rejected him. Are you struggling today? Hang on, He’s not finished yet. Victory comes in a variety of forms and is just around the corner. He understands the struggle. He knows what it is to suffer. He also authored the victory! He suffered so we can experience the victory. Turn your heart toward Him today. Lean in. Victory is coming…


Imagine the silence when Jesus was separated from His Father. Have you ever felt you were in the depths – In such a desperate place that you feel God is silent in your pain? Jesus knows what it actually is to not hear the Father’s voice or feel His presence. On the cross, all the world’s evil- past, present, future, rested on the heart and the shoulders of Jesus. Victory is on its way! He rose and sent His Holy Spirit to be our comforter. So that we don’t ever have to be alone. Even when he seems silent, He is there. He understands your loneliness, your pain, the silence. Speak to Him about it today. Victory is coming…


Victory is here! Easter Sunday represents victory. Victory over sin, victory over eternal death. Jesus rose and proved that He is indeed the son of God. He then ascended into heaven where He sits next to His Dad, speaking to Him about you, praying for you. And as a cherry on top of the entire story, God sent His Holy Spirit to direct and comfort us. Maybe you’re a skeptic. That’s ok, in fact, that’s great – question, investigate, study. I know that when you seek for answers, you will find them. And, if you already believe, don’t give up. Hold on until you see His promise fulfilled in your life. Victory is here for you!

If you’re suffering today, find truth in the word of God. The Bible is filled with stories of real people who suffered greatly but, when keeping their eyes on Jesus, always found the victory. Left to Jesus, the victory is always miraculous and sweet and amazing. Let us agree with you for victory over your situation today. Contact us here.

~Trisha Bowman
Christ Fellowship member